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 Life can only get colder. (Solo)

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Zero Fahrenheit
Zero Fahrenheit

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Life can only get colder. (Solo) Empty
PostSubject: Life can only get colder. (Solo)   Life can only get colder. (Solo) EmptyThu Feb 23, 2012 8:25 pm

As zero made his way deeper into the cave, he was looking for a pokemon to fight, as he needed to train for the tournament, he started walking towards the place where there were no torches, and came there eventually.

He looked around, and saw a couple of geodude, who didn't look that menacing, maybe the would be a great pokemon to start with.

He started the battle by calling the geodude out, the geodude of course, looked at him, and turned hostile. He than shot a icy wind at the geodudes, as this move could hit multiple targets.

The geodudes weren't that strong and they easily fainted after two to three icy wind attacks, and Zero got off relatively unharmed, he didn't finish them off though, as he was planning on coming back later, when the geodudes were stronger.

He then left back towards his little hideout, hidden underneath a trapdoor, he covered this door with a cloth, and went downside again, sitting on his makeshift bed.

I think i am getting stronger, i just need to train more and more

Last edited by Zero Fahrenheit on Wed Feb 29, 2012 9:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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Zero Fahrenheit
Zero Fahrenheit

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Life can only get colder. (Solo) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life can only get colder. (Solo)   Life can only get colder. (Solo) EmptyWed Feb 29, 2012 6:44 am

Zero was prepared of was to come now, these geodude got a lot stronger since last time, he needed to be careful, or else he might get seriously injured.

He walked along the same path, but this time he didn't find the geodude, however there was a graveler standing at the same place as earlier, he might have been able to defeat two geodudes, but a graveler is a lot more dangerous then those geodude clustered together.

He started hesitating but he knew that he had to defeat the graveler, and make sure that he was strong enough, he wouldn't let what happened ever happen again, that much is for sure.

"Yuki..." He said, in a distant voice, no one being there to hear him say it, yes yuki, she was his first friend, and also his last, he had hoped that he would meet more here on airia.

"No, i musn't linger in the past, that was all my fault, if i hadn't befriended her, then... no, now is not the time for this, i need to defeat this graveler."

As he got ready to attack the graveler, his memories once again, flashed through his head, showing him what he didn't want to see.

Last edited by Zero Fahrenheit on Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:52 am; edited 1 time in total
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Zero Fahrenheit
Zero Fahrenheit

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Life can only get colder. (Solo) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life can only get colder. (Solo)   Life can only get colder. (Solo) EmptyWed Feb 29, 2012 6:52 am

[Flashback time!]
Zero stood there, with no mask and wearing a school uniform, smiling at the people who were talking to him, he then gave a short reply to what they were saying, and left again, still hearing what the two said about him.
"What a silent guy, he is so gloomy and boring."
"Leave him, he is none of our concern."
"I wanna punch him, i dunno why."
"We have to get ready, our plan starts tommorow."

Zero just walked away, not caring about their plan, he then bumped into a girl, who was holding a lot of books.

"Yah!" She fell and dropped the books on the floor, and Zero just stood there for a second, analyzing who was there.

"Ah, i'm sorry, are you alright?"
He said, in a concerned voice.
The girl just looked up and nodded, "Sorry about that, i was a bit overloaded, the teacher gave me a lot of the work HE had to do." She said obviously annoyed.

Zero got on his knees, and started picking up the books, and then smiled at the the girl.
She was not that big, and she also had some white skin around her eyes, her eyes themselves were a beautiful aquamarine, and she was wearing a school uniform, as those were forced upon every student.

"Here let me help you, my name is Zero." He said smiling.
She just looked back at him and thanked him.
"Yuki, that's my name and i'm sticking with it." She said with her tongue sticking out, seems like this person would be a lot of fun to hang out with
Altough Zero didn't know what was going to happen, and he didn't want to remember either.
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Zero Fahrenheit
Zero Fahrenheit

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Life can only get colder. (Solo) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life can only get colder. (Solo)   Life can only get colder. (Solo) EmptyWed Feb 29, 2012 6:57 am

The days after those were peaceful, and didn't have much anxiety, until the days of the tests came, and Zero and Yuki didn't have much time together anymore.

They did manage to sneak in a couple of hours, and were happily chatting again.
"These tests are driving me crazy, i mean, i didn't even know half the answers on the sheet, let alone answer them correctly." Yuki said to Zero, who was agreeing with her by nodding his head.

"Well, that might be your problem alone though, as i've been doing well in my tests."
Yuki just glared for a moment at Zero, before bursting in laughter, and zero just laughed with her, those were the happiest times of his life, and he had hoped that it would stay that way.

Altough, not everything goes as you want it to happen.
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Zero Fahrenheit
Zero Fahrenheit

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Life can only get colder. (Solo) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life can only get colder. (Solo)   Life can only get colder. (Solo) EmptyWed Feb 29, 2012 7:06 am

Zero was walking home, where he had promised to meet Yuki, they had started living together, they were in love with each other, and Zero was busy getting a job, as school was almost over, and then he had to start taking care Yuki, and support her.

Zero was happily humming while walking home, but suddenly two guys he obviously knew got around the corner.
"Yo Zero, so i've been hearing that you and princess cold are going out, so what, the ice type like to stick with each other, are others that worthless to you... Huh!
The guy just started taunting Zero, he didn't fall for it though, as Zero knew that this person was just trying to get him expelled, which would make finding a job that much harder.

"Nothing of the sort, now if you'd excuse me, i need to start heading home."
He said, trying to get away.

The other guy now blocked his path.
"You're not going anywhere." He said and punched Zero in the face, Zero just fell on the floor, as he wasn't that much of a fighter, and the two guys started laughing.
"What a weakling, can't even protect himself, how you think you gonna protect your woman then!" He said, spitting on him.

Zero got mad, not at the fact that he spit on him, but the fact that they were already talking about Yuki, and it seemes like they were threatening her too.

He just stood up and headbutted the guy in the face, it wasn't that strong, but it should have worked at least a little bit.

The guy held his nose, and glared at Zero.
"You little shit! You thing you are something huh!"
He punched Zero, and they both started pummeling him, they left when they got bored, and Zero was there on the floor, bruised, and bleeding.

He started heading home, he knew what he did was stupid, but he wouldn't let anyone hurt yuki.
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Zero Fahrenheit
Zero Fahrenheit

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Life can only get colder. (Solo) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life can only get colder. (Solo)   Life can only get colder. (Solo) EmptyWed Feb 29, 2012 7:11 am

Zero was on his job, he was making a good enough income to take care of Yuki, who was now at the moment, pregnant, they were having a baby together, and Zero couldn't be happier, altough the people at the office didn't like him at all, as he was very good at his job, and he looked so happy doing it.

"Yo Zero, since you like working so much, could you do the annual celebration ceremony for the city, i've just been too busy doing it myself." The guy said, handing a couple of folders to Zero, he then walked away, Zero didn't say anything, as he was the new guy, and if he worked harder, then he would be able to get a promotion, and have a stable income for his family.

He was working late that day, altough he regretted it ever since, if only i hadn't stayed at work that day, if only i didn't accept that task... if only.. she never met me.

These were the thing going through his head after the incident, but he knew that there was nothing he could do about it anymore.

Zero headed home, and was happily heading towards his family
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Zero Fahrenheit
Zero Fahrenheit

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Life can only get colder. (Solo) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life can only get colder. (Solo)   Life can only get colder. (Solo) EmptyWed Feb 29, 2012 7:17 am

"Yuki, I'm home! Yuki?" It was silent and dark, and something smelled horendous, he walked inside his living room, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

Zero had tears welling up in his eyes, and he fell to his knees, there she was, yuki, hanging against the wall pinned by a weapon of some sort, with a message written in blood on the wall.
Drop Dead
Those were the words he would never forget, these words were engraved in his mind, he looked towards the ceiling, tears streaming from his eyes.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARH!!!" He yelled, he had nothing to live for anymore, Yuki, his love, and his son, both ripped away in a instant.

Zero just punched the wall a couple of times, until his fist started bleeding.

He put on his coat, and started heading outside, feelings of rage and anger welling up in him.
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Zero Fahrenheit
Zero Fahrenheit

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Life can only get colder. (Solo) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life can only get colder. (Solo)   Life can only get colder. (Solo) EmptyWed Feb 29, 2012 7:28 am

He was walking along the road, until he came across a building, this building was open, and there were people inside already, this was the place that he worked.

He walked up the stairs, and started heading for the third floor, where the light came from.

There were five people here, all of the laughing hard.

"Did you see the look in the bitch's eyes, and the way she yelled "ZERO" Haha, glad that whore is dead now."One said.
"Yeah, Zero won't be coming to work for some time now i'm betting, he might even get fired!"
Another one said.

Zero just walked inside, and was notice by the five, they just pretended like nothing had happened though.
"Oh? Zero? did you forget something, shouldn't you go home to your 'Wife'."
Hearing this person say that, Zero couldn't control it anymore, he Glared at all of them and they had an uneasy feeling.
"Oh looks like he found out, but you shouldn't worry, this person is the weakest guy ever, he won't even be a threat" The big guy said, he walked towards Zero and punched him in the face, Zero just fell back, and was lying on the floor now.

The five man laughed in unison, "See, he's a coward and a weakling, no one can..."
But before he had finished his sentence, he started gripping tight towards his heart.

The other four just stood there shocked at what they were seeing.
As the man fell on the floor, and wasn't moving anymore.
"HE... HE IS DEAD!" one of the man screamed, the others looked at Zero who was now standing up, and had his arm stretched.
"What did you do!" One of the guys said.
"Morphose, the phase where your heart can't beat anymore as the cold is too strong, and the blood get's frozen." He said, he then glared at the four guys, who were now a little scared.

They just started chuckling a little, "So, You killed one person! We are with four, kill him!"
one of the person yelled, and they all started charging Zero, who was still boiling with rage.
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Zero Fahrenheit
Zero Fahrenheit

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Life can only get colder. (Solo) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life can only get colder. (Solo)   Life can only get colder. (Solo) EmptyWed Feb 29, 2012 7:34 am

Zero was walking away from the building covered in some blood, he was a murdered now, and he would probably be looked for, and also blamed for killing his wife.

He was walking in front of a store, and looked inside, it was a costume store, and he went inside.

He grabbed a mask, and put it on the counter.
"This.." He didn't say anything except for that, as he had no reason to talk to him.
The store owner didn't think about the blood too much, as it was probably part of his costume.

He left the store again, and it started to rain, washing away whatever blood was on him now.
He put on the mask, and headed for a silent place, he knew that he had to start over, but that it would probably, take too much from him.

He started living in a cave, until he heard the news of a new continent, "Airia."
Zero was still running from the cops, and a new continent would be the best place to go.

He sneaked on board, as he didn't want to give his ID away.
And took on a new name, Fahrenheit... as he headed for Airia, his old life had to be released, and he tried forgetting it completely.

[End Flashback]

Last edited by Zero Fahrenheit on Wed Feb 29, 2012 7:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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Zero Fahrenheit
Zero Fahrenheit

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Life can only get colder. (Solo) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life can only get colder. (Solo)   Life can only get colder. (Solo) EmptyWed Feb 29, 2012 7:49 am

Zero was just sitting in the cave, holding his head, he had remembered something he didn't want to remember.

He just sat there, on the floor, and started looking at the graveler.
He had to forget, he had to forget!
He shot a icy wind at the graveler, who wasn't expecting it, and got hit full on, getting hit in some spots that were unprotected (critical hit)
The graveler, glared at zero, and he picked up a rock, and threw it at Zero.

Zero just dodged the move, as it wasn't that fast, but got hit by the second one he threw.
Zero just stood there, and froze the condensed air around the graveler, until it became a snow like substance. (snow powder) The Graveler, had trouble moving, and fell to the floor.

Zero just looked a little distant, and then walked away slowly.
"Everything.... is my fault..." He said this, and started looking sad, he was now back home again, and pulled of his mask, he put it on his little table, and he lied down in bed.

Trying to at least get some rest, although the nightmares wouldn't stop, so he had trouble sleeping.
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